Online Learning VS Classroom Learning

online learning

With the severity of the COVID-19 epidemic happening around the world, most companies are practicing social distancing and work from home arrangements. In times of such critical crisis, it is crucial to adapt, move on, and continue to improve ourselves. As the Government has issued a statement to avoid clustering and limiting social gatherings to no more than ten, there will be plenty of free time available in your schedule.

Maximize your free time by taking up a new course online. Upgrade yourself to become an invaluable team player for your organisation that will cause you to be recession-proof. As Online Learning may be a new area to explore for some students, here are some of the benefits between learning online and a classroom learning environment.

Benefits of online learning

  • Able to learn at your own pace

If you are a slow learner, you may find lessons difficult to follow. At times, you often find yourself puzzled and filled with questions but at the same time hesitant to ask questions in fear of embarrassment of slowing the class down. With Online Learning, you have the luxury of pausing an academic video to search for your answer.

  • Reduces anxiety

Students with anxiety may find it stressful to ask any questions in class when all eyes are fixated on him/her. With the fear of being mocked at, this hinders the student’s curiosity and learning capacity in a class. Thus, when it comes to learning online, embarrassing situations are all eliminated. Google will answer any questions you may have at any calibre.

online learning

  • Flexible schedule and environment

Shifting your academic studies online allows you to review your learning materials anywhere and everywhere. You are now capable of learning when you’re waiting for an appointment or a person, or simply at the comfort of your own home. Arrange your self-learning session to cater your busy schedule.

  • Review forums and threads for questions that you may have

Afraid that your question may have been asked before or unsure if it is categorized as a “stupid” question? Now you can review forums for questions that your peers may have and join in the thread. If you enjoy helping students with understanding, now you can contribute your knowledge in discussion or question threads.

  • Safe haven for introverts

Entering a classroom filled with people may sound like a frightening scene to an introvert. The idea of making connections or small talks may sound daunting. With Online Learning, you can eliminate social interactions and direct your focus to learning and understanding the curriculum.

  • Trains your discipline and focus

As we all know and some of us may already be practicing, working from home has its disadvantages as well. We are surrounded by plenty of distractions at home while trying to get work completed. Learning Online not only improves your self-discipline but also enhances your focus.

Benefits of Classroom Learning

online learning

  • Interactive classroom may have a better impact

Despite all the hype on Online Learning, some students still prefer the traditional methods of studying in a classroom. Students who are more proactive in classes prefer the real-time engagement created between classmates and trainer. Physical and interactive interactions in class allows students to memorize challenging syllabus easier.

  • Enhances your social interaction

Improve your social and communication skills by interacting with your classmates. Raise your emotional intelligence and soft skills through group discussions and projects. Through physical interactions, you can create lifetime connections with your peers. As you are only given seven seconds to make a first impression, remember to smile and look your best!

  • Engagement with faculty

If you have a burning question, it may be easier to ask and receive answers immediately. Whereas learning online will require you to hold your questions until your live webinar session with your faculty. Direct engagement with faculty may leave a stronger impact and generate a higher interest in learning.

  • Immediate contributions from students

In a classroom setting, we encounter many different students with various personalities. Some simply enjoy challenging the trainer by asking many difficult questions, while some enjoy learning from the questions. Not every student is proactive as some learn through questions posed by other students. As passive learners, these students learn best through these thought provoking questions.

In conclusion, there isn’t really a defining answer to which mode of conducting lessons is better than the other. But what’s most important is to constantly improve yourself by learning and challenging yourself. As quoted from Benjamin Franklin, “An investment in education gives the best returns”. Begin your online learning journey today with Aventis!